o1js / Modules
Table of contents
- AccountUpdate
- AlmostForeignField
- CanonicalForeignField
- Bool
- Character
- Circuit
- CircuitString
- CircuitValue
- ForeignField
- Field
- Group
- Int64
- Keypair
- Ledger
- MerkleMap
- MerkleMapWitness
- MerkleTree
- Nullifier
- PrivateKey
- Proof
- Scalar
- SelfProof
- Sign
- Signature
- SmartContract
- Token
- TokenSymbol
- UInt32
- UInt64
- Unconstrained
- VerificationKey
Type Aliases
- Bool
- BoolVar
- Cache
- CacheHeader
- ConstantField
- DeployArgs
- Empty
- FeatureFlags
- Field
- FieldConst
- FieldVar
- FlexibleProvable
- FlexibleProvablePure
- Gate
- GateType
- Group
- InferProvable
- JsonGate
- JsonProof
- MlFeatureFlags
- MlPublicKey
- MlPublicKeyVar
- Provable
- ProvableExtended
- Reducer
- State
- Struct
- TransactionStatus
- Undefined
- Void
- ZkappPublicInput
- Cache
- Empty
- FieldConst
- FieldVar
- Gadgets
- Permissions
- Pickles
- Poseidon
- Provable
- Snarky
- Test
- TokenId
- Undefined
- Void
- ZkappPublicInput
- isReady
- Account
- Bool
- Field
- Group
- MerkleWitness
- Reducer
- State
- Struct
- ZkProgram
- addCachedAccount
- arrayProp
- checkZkappTransaction
- circuitMain
- declareMethods
- declareState
- fetchAccount
- fetchEvents
- fetchLastBlock
- fetchTransactionStatus
- getWasm
- isBool
- isField
- matrixProp
- method
- prop
- provable
- provablePure
- public_
- readVarMessage
- scaleShifted
- sendZkapp
- setArchiveGraphqlEndpoint
- setGraphqlEndpoint
- setGraphqlEndpoints
- shutdown
- state
- toConstantField
- toFp
- verify
- withMessage
Type Aliases
Ƭ Bool: Bool
Defined in
Ƭ BoolVar: FieldVar
Defined in
Ƭ Cache: Object
Interface for storing and retrieving values, for caching.
and write()
can just throw errors on failure.
The data that will be passed to the cache for writing is exhaustively described by the CacheHeader type. It represents one of the following:
- The SRS. This is a deterministic lists of curve points (one per curve) that needs to be generated just once, to be used for polynomial commitments.
- Lagrange basis commitments. Similar to the SRS, this will be created once for every power-of-2 circuit size.
- Prover and verifier keys for every compiled circuit.
Per smart contract or ZkProgram, several different keys are created:
- a step prover key (
) and verification key (step-vk
) for every method. - a wrap prover key (
) and verification key (wrap-vk
) for the entire contract.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
canWrite | boolean | Indicates whether the cache is writable. |
debug? | boolean | If debug is toggled, read() and write() errors are logged to the console. By default, cache errors are silent, because they don't necessarily represent an error condition, but could just be a cache miss, or file system permissions incompatible with writing data. |
read | (header : CacheHeader ) => undefined | Uint8Array | Read a value from the cache. |
write | (header : CacheHeader , value : Uint8Array ) => void | Write a value to the cache. |
Defined in
Ƭ CacheHeader: StepKeyHeader
> | StepKeyHeader
> | WrapKeyHeader
> | WrapKeyHeader
> | PlainHeader
> | PlainHeader
> & CommonHeader
A header that is passed to the caching layer, to support rich caching strategies.
Both uniqueId
and programId
can safely be used as a file path.
Defined in
Ƭ ConstantField: Field
& { value
: ConstantFieldVar
Defined in
Ƭ DeployArgs: { verificationKey?
: { data
: string
; hash
: string
| Field
} ; zkappKey?
: PrivateKey
} | undefined
Defined in
Ƭ Empty: Undefined
Defined in
Ƭ FeatureFlags: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
foreignFieldAdd | boolean |
foreignFieldMul | boolean |
lookup | boolean |
rangeCheck0 | boolean |
rangeCheck1 | boolean |
rot | boolean |
runtimeTables | boolean |
xor | boolean |
Defined in
Ƭ Field: Field
Defined in
Ƭ FieldConst: [0
, bigint
Defined in
Ƭ FieldVar: [Constant
, FieldConst
] | [Var
, number
] | [Add
, FieldVar
, FieldVar
] | [Scale
, FieldConst
, FieldVar
is the core data type in snarky. It is eqivalent to Cvar.t
in OCaml.
It represents a field element that is part of provable code - either a constant or a variable.
Variables end up filling the witness columns of a constraint system. Think of a variable as a value that has to be provided by the prover, and that has to satisfy all the constraints it is involved in.
Constants end up being hard-coded into the constraint system as gate coefficients. Think of a constant as a value that is known publicly, at compile time, and that defines the constraint system.
Both constants and variables can be combined into an AST using the Add and Scale combinators.
Defined in
Ƭ FlexibleProvable<T
>: Provable
> | Struct
Type parameters
Name |
T |
Defined in
Ƭ FlexibleProvablePure<T
>: ProvablePure
> | StructPure
Type parameters
Name |
T |
Defined in
Ƭ Gate: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
coeffs | string [] |
type | GateType |
wires | { col : number ; row : number }[] |
Defined in
Ƭ GateType: "Zero"
| "Generic"
| "Poseidon"
| "CompleteAdd"
| "VarbaseMul"
| "EndoMul"
| "EndoMulScalar"
| "Lookup"
| "RangeCheck0"
| "RangeCheck1"
| "ForeignFieldAdd"
| "ForeignFieldMul"
| "Xor16"
| "Rot64"
Defined in
Ƭ Group: Group
Defined in
Ƭ InferProvable<A
>: A
extends Constructor
<infer U> ? A
extends Provable
> ? U
: A
extends Struct
> ? U
: InferProvableBase
> : InferProvableBase
Type parameters
Name |
A |
Defined in
Ƭ JsonGate: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
coeffs | string [] |
typ | GateType |
wires | { col : number ; row : number }[] |
Defined in
Ƭ JsonProof: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
maxProofsVerified | 0 | 1 | 2 |
proof | string |
publicInput | string [] |
publicOutput | string [] |
Defined in
Ƭ MlFeatureFlags: [_: 0, rangeCheck0: MlBool, rangeCheck1: MlBool, foreignFieldAdd: MlBool, foreignFieldMul: MlBool, xor: MlBool, rot: MlBool, lookup: MlBool, runtimeTables: MlBool]
Defined in
Ƭ MlPublicKey: [_: 0, x: FieldConst, isOdd: MlBool]
Defined in
Ƭ MlPublicKeyVar: [_: 0, x: FieldVar, isOdd: BoolVar]
Defined in
Ƭ Provable<T
>: Provable
is the general circuit type interface. It describes how a type T
is made up of field elements and auxiliary (non-field element) data.
You will find this as the required input type in a few places in o1js. One convenient way to create a Provable<T>
is using Struct
Type parameters
Name |
T |
Defined in
Ƭ ProvableExtended<T
, TJson
>: Provable
> & ProvableExtension
, TJson
Type parameters
Name | Type |
T | T |
TJson | any |
Defined in
Ƭ Reducer<Action
>: Object
Type parameters
Name |
Action |
Type declaration
Name | Type |
actionType | FlexibleProvablePure <Action > |
Defined in
Ƭ State<A
>: Object
Gettable and settable state that can be checked for equality.
Type parameters
Name |
A |
Type declaration
Name | Type |
assertEquals | (a : A ) => void |
assertNothing | () => void |
fetch | () => Promise <undefined | A > |
fromAppState | (appState : Field []) => A |
get | () => A |
getAndAssertEquals | () => A |
set | (a : A ) => void |
Defined in
Ƭ Struct<T
>: ProvableExtended
>> & Constructor
> & { _isStruct
: true
Type parameters
Name |
T |
Defined in
Ƭ TransactionStatus: "INCLUDED"
INCLUDED: A transaction that is on the longest chain
PENDING: A transaction either in the transition frontier or in transaction pool but is not on the longest chain
UNKNOWN: The transaction has either been snarked, reached finality through consensus or has been dropped
Defined in
Ƭ Undefined: undefined
Defined in
Ƭ Void: undefined
Defined in
Ƭ ZkappPublicInput: Object
The public input for zkApps consists of certain hashes of the proving AccountUpdate (and its child accountUpdates) which is constructed during method execution.
For SmartContract proving, a method is run twice: First outside the proof, to obtain the public input, and once in the prover, which takes the public input as input. The current transaction is hashed again inside the prover, which asserts that the result equals the input public input, as part of the snark circuit. The block producer will also hash the transaction they receive and pass it as a public input to the verifier. Thus, the transaction is fully constrained by the proof - the proof couldn't be used to attest to a different transaction.
Type declaration
Name | Type |
accountUpdate | Field |
calls | Field |
Defined in
• Cache: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
FileSystem | (cacheDirectory : string , debug? : boolean ) => Cache |
FileSystemDefault | Cache |
None | Cache |
Defined in
• Empty: ProvablePureExtended
, null
Defined in
• FieldConst: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
-1 | FieldConst |
0 | FieldConst |
1 | FieldConst |
fromBigint | (x : bigint ) => FieldConst |
toBigint | (x : FieldConst ) => Fp |
equal | (x : FieldConst , y : FieldConst ) => boolean |
Defined in
• FieldVar: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
-1 | [Constant , FieldConst ] |
0 | [Constant , FieldConst ] |
1 | [Constant , FieldConst ] |
add | (x : FieldVar , y : FieldVar ) => FieldVar |
constant | (x : bigint | FieldConst ) => ConstantFieldVar |
isConstant | (x : FieldVar ) => x is ConstantFieldVar |
scale | (c : FieldConst , x : FieldVar ) => FieldVar |
Defined in
• Const
Gadgets: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
and | (a : Field , b : Field , length : number ) => Field |
compactMultiRangeCheck | (xy : Field , z : Field ) => [Field , Field , Field ] |
leftShift | (field : Field , bits : number ) => Field |
multiRangeCheck | (limbs : [Field , Field , Field ]) => void |
not | (a : Field , length : number , checked : boolean ) => Field |
rangeCheck64 | (x : Field ) => void |
rightShift | (field : Field , bits : number ) => Field |
rotate | (field : Field , bits : number , direction : "left" | "right" ) => Field |
xor | (a : Field , b : Field , length : number ) => Field |
Defined in
• Permissions: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
allImpossible | () => Permissions |
default | () => Permissions |
dummy | () => Permissions |
fromJSON | (permissions : { access : AuthRequired ; editActionState : AuthRequired ; editState : AuthRequired ; incrementNonce : AuthRequired ; receive : AuthRequired ; send : AuthRequired ; setDelegate : AuthRequired ; setPermissions : AuthRequired ; setTiming : AuthRequired ; setTokenSymbol : AuthRequired ; setVerificationKey : AuthRequired ; setVotingFor : AuthRequired ; setZkappUri : AuthRequired }) => Permissions |
fromString | (permission : AuthRequired ) => AuthRequired |
impossible | () => AuthRequired |
initial | () => Permissions |
none | () => AuthRequired |
proof | () => AuthRequired |
proofOrSignature | () => AuthRequired |
signature | () => AuthRequired |
Defined in
• Pickles: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
compile | (rules : MlArray <Rule >, config : { overrideWrapDomain? : 0 | 2 | 1 ; publicInputSize : number ; publicOutputSize : number ; storable? : Cache }) => { getVerificationKey : () => [_: 0, data: string, hash: FieldConst] ; provers : MlArray <Prover > ; tag : unknown ; verify : (statement : Statement <FieldConst >, proof : unknown ) => Promise <boolean > } |
decodeVerificationKey | (vk : string ) => MlWrapVerificationKey |
dummyProof | <N>(maxProofsVerified : N , domainLog2 : number ) => [N , unknown ] |
dummyVerificationKey | () => [_: 0, data: string, hash: FieldConst] |
encodeVerificationKey | (vk : MlWrapVerificationKey ) => string |
proofOfBase64 | <N>(base64 : string , maxProofsVerified : N ) => [N , unknown ] |
proofToBase64 | (proof : [0 | 2 | 1 , unknown ]) => string |
proofToBase64Transaction | (proof : unknown ) => string |
util | { fromMlString : (s : MlBytes ) => string ; toMlString : (s : string ) => MlBytes } |
util.fromMlString | [object Object] |
util.toMlString | [object Object] |
loadSrsFp | () => WasmFpSrs |
loadSrsFq | () => WasmFqSrs |
verify | (statement : Statement <FieldConst >, proof : unknown , verificationKey : string ) => Promise <boolean > |
Defined in
• Const
Poseidon: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
Sponge | typeof Sponge |
hash | (input : Field []) => Field |
hashToGroup | (input : Field []) => { x : Field ; y : { x0 : Field ; x1 : Field } } |
initialState | () => [Field , Field , Field ] |
update | (state : [Field , Field , Field ], input : Field []) => Field [] |
Defined in
• Provable: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
Array | <A>(elementType : A , length : number ) => InferredProvable <A []> |
asProver | (f : () => void ) => void |
assertEqual | <T>(type : FlexibleProvable <T >, x : T , y : T ) => void <T>(x : T , y : T ) => void |
constraintSystem | <T>(f : () => T ) => { digest : string ; gates : Gate [] ; publicInputSize : number ; result : T ; rows : number } |
equal | <T>(type : FlexibleProvable <T >, x : T , y : T ) => Bool <T>(x : T , y : T ) => Bool |
if | <T>(condition : Bool , type : FlexibleProvable <T >, x : T , y : T ) => T <T>(condition : Bool , x : T , y : T ) => T |
inCheckedComputation | () => boolean |
inProver | () => boolean |
log | (...args : any ) => void |
runAndCheck | (f : () => void ) => void |
runUnchecked | (f : () => void ) => void |
switch | <T, A>(mask : Bool [], type : A , values : T []) => T |
witness | <T, S>(type : S , compute : () => T ) => T |
Defined in
• Snarky: Object
Internal interface to snarky-ml
Note for devs: This module is intended to closely mirror snarky-ml's core, low-level APIs.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
bool | { and : (x : FieldVar , y : FieldVar ) => FieldVar ; assertEqual : (x : FieldVar , y : FieldVar ) => void ; equals : (x : FieldVar , y : FieldVar ) => FieldVar ; not : (x : FieldVar ) => FieldVar ; or : (x : FieldVar , y : FieldVar ) => FieldVar } | - |
bool.and | [object Object] | - |
bool.assertEqual | [object Object] | - |
bool.equals | [object Object] | - |
bool.not | [object Object] | - |
bool.or | [object Object] | - |
circuit | { keypair : { getConstraintSystemJSON : (keypair : unknown ) => JsonConstraintSystem ; getVerificationKey : (keypair : unknown ) => unknown } ; compile : (main : Main , publicInputSize : number ) => unknown ; prove : (main : Main , publicInputSize : number , publicInput : MlArray <FieldConst >, keypair : unknown ) => unknown ; verify : (publicInput : MlArray <FieldConst >, proof : unknown , verificationKey : unknown ) => boolean } | The circuit API is a low level interface to create zero-knowledge proofs |
circuit.keypair | { getConstraintSystemJSON : (keypair : unknown ) => JsonConstraintSystem ; getVerificationKey : (keypair : unknown ) => unknown } | - |
circuit.keypair.getConstraintSystemJSON | [object Object] | Returns a low-level JSON representation of the circuit: a list of gates, each of which represents a row in a table, with certain coefficients and wires to other (row, column) pairs |
circuit.keypair.getVerificationKey | [object Object] | - |
circuit.compile | [object Object] | Generates a proving key and a verification key for the provable function main |
circuit.prove | [object Object] | Proves a statement using the private input, public input and the keypair of the circuit. |
circuit.verify | [object Object] | Verifies a proof using the public input, the proof and the verification key of the circuit. |
field | { add : (x : FieldVar , y : FieldVar ) => FieldVar ; assertBoolean : (x : FieldVar ) => void ; assertEqual : (x : FieldVar , y : FieldVar ) => void ; assertMul : (x : FieldVar , y : FieldVar , z : FieldVar ) => void ; assertSquare : (x : FieldVar , y : FieldVar ) => void ; compare : (bitLength : number , x : FieldVar , y : FieldVar ) => [_: 0, less: FieldVar, lessOrEqual: FieldVar] ; fromBits : (bits : MlArray <FieldVar >) => FieldVar ; mul : (x : FieldVar , y : FieldVar ) => FieldVar ; readVar : (x : FieldVar ) => FieldConst ; scale : (c : FieldConst , x : FieldVar ) => FieldVar ; seal : (x : FieldVar ) => FieldVar ; toBits : (length : number , x : FieldVar ) => MlArray <FieldVar > ; toConstantAndTerms : (x : FieldVar ) => [_: 0, constant: MlOption<FieldConst>, terms: MlList<MlPair<FieldConst, number>>] ; truncateToBits16 : (lengthDiv16 : number , x : FieldVar ) => FieldVar } | APIs to add constraints on field variables |
field.add | [object Object] | add x, y to get a new AST node Add(x, y); handles if x, y are constants |
field.assertBoolean | [object Object] | x*x === x without handling of constants |
field.assertEqual | [object Object] | x === y without handling of constants |
field.assertMul | [object Object] | x*y === z without handling of constants |
field.assertSquare | [object Object] | x*x === y without handling of constants | | [object Object] | check x < y and x <= y |
field.fromBits | [object Object] | |
field.mul | [object Object] | witnesses z = x*y and constrains it with [assert_r1cs]; handles constants |
field.readVar | [object Object] | evaluates a CVar by walking the AST and reading Vars from a list of public input + aux values |
field.scale | [object Object] | scale x by a constant to get a new AST node Scale(c, x); handles if x is a constant |
field.seal | [object Object] | returns a new witness from an AST (implemented with toConstantAndTerms) |
field.toBits | [object Object] | |
field.toConstantAndTerms | [object Object] | Unfolds AST to get x = c + c0*Var(i0) + ... + cn*Var(in) , returns (c, [(c0, i0), ..., (cn, in)]) ; c is optional |
field.truncateToBits16 | [object Object] | returns x truncated to the lowest 16 * lengthDiv16 bits => can be used to assert that x fits in 16 * lengthDiv16 bits. more efficient than toBits() because it uses the EC_endoscalar gate; does 16 bits per row (vs 1 bits per row that you can do with generic gates). |
gates | { addFixedLookupTable : (id : number , data : MlArray <MlArray <FieldConst >>) => void ; addRuntimeTableConfig : (id : number , firstColumn : MlArray <FieldConst >) => void ; ecAdd : (p1 : MlGroup , p2 : MlGroup , p3 : MlGroup , inf : FieldVar , same_x : FieldVar , slope : FieldVar , inf_z : FieldVar , x21_inv : FieldVar ) => MlGroup ; ecEndoscalar : (state : MlArray <[_: 0, n0: FieldVar, n8: FieldVar, a0: FieldVar, b0: FieldVar, a8: FieldVar, b8: FieldVar, x0: FieldVar, x1: FieldVar, x2: FieldVar, x3: FieldVar]>) => void ; ecEndoscale : (state : MlArray <[_: 0, xt: FieldVar, yt: FieldVar, xp: FieldVar, yp: FieldVar, nAcc: FieldVar, xr: FieldVar, yr: FieldVar, s1: FieldVar, s3: FieldVar, b1: FieldVar]>, xs : FieldVar , ys : FieldVar , nAcc : FieldVar ) => void ; ecScale : (state : MlArray <[_: 0, accs: MlArray<[0, FieldVar, FieldVar]>, bits: MlArray<FieldVar>, ss: MlArray<FieldVar>, base: MlGroup, nPrev: Field, nNext: Field]>) => void ; foreignFieldAdd : (left : [0 , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar ], right : [0 , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar ], fieldOverflow : FieldVar , carry : FieldVar , foreignFieldModulus : [0 , FieldConst , FieldConst , FieldConst ], sign : FieldConst ) => void ; foreignFieldMul : (left : [0 , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar ], right : [0 , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar ], remainder : [0 , FieldVar , FieldVar ], quotient : [0 , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar ], quotientHiBound : FieldVar , product1 : [0 , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar ], carry0 : FieldVar , carry1p : [0 , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar ], carry1c : [0 , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar ], foreignFieldModulus2 : FieldConst , negForeignFieldModulus : [0 , FieldConst , FieldConst , FieldConst ]) => void ; generic : (sl : FieldConst , l : FieldVar , sr : FieldConst , r : FieldVar , so : FieldConst , o : FieldVar , sm : FieldConst , sc : FieldConst ) => void ; lookup : (input : [0 , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar ]) => void ; poseidon : (state : MlArray <[0 , Field , Field , Field ]>) => void ; rangeCheck0 : (v0 : FieldVar , v0p : [0 , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar ], v0c : [0 , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar ], compact : FieldConst ) => void ; rangeCheck1 : (v2 : FieldVar , v12 : FieldVar , vCurr : [0 , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar ], vNext : [0 , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar ]) => void ; raw : (kind : KimchiGateType , values : MlArray <FieldVar >, coefficients : MlArray <FieldConst >) => void ; rotate : (field : FieldVar , rotated : FieldVar , excess : FieldVar , limbs : MlArray <FieldVar >, crumbs : MlArray <FieldVar >, two_to_rot : FieldConst ) => void ; xor : (in1 : FieldVar , in2 : FieldVar , out : FieldVar , in1_0 : FieldVar , in1_1 : FieldVar , in1_2 : FieldVar , in1_3 : FieldVar , in2_0 : FieldVar , in2_1 : FieldVar , in2_2 : FieldVar , in2_3 : FieldVar , out_0 : FieldVar , out_1 : FieldVar , out_2 : FieldVar , out_3 : FieldVar ) => void ; zero : (in1 : FieldVar , in2 : FieldVar , out : FieldVar ) => void } | - |
gates.addFixedLookupTable | [object Object] | - |
gates.addRuntimeTableConfig | [object Object] | - |
gates.ecAdd | [object Object] | Low-level Elliptic Curve Addition gate. |
gates.ecEndoscalar | [object Object] | - |
gates.ecEndoscale | [object Object] | - |
gates.ecScale | [object Object] | - |
gates.foreignFieldAdd | [object Object] | - |
gates.foreignFieldMul | [object Object] | - |
gates.generic | [object Object] | - |
gates.lookup | [object Object] | - |
gates.poseidon | [object Object] | - |
gates.rangeCheck0 | [object Object] | Range check gate |
gates.rangeCheck1 | [object Object] | - |
gates.raw | [object Object] | - |
gates.rotate | [object Object] | - |
gates.xor | [object Object] | - | | [object Object] | - |
group | { scale : (p : MlGroup , s : MlArray <FieldVar >) => MlGroup } | - |
group.scale | [object Object] | - |
poseidon | { sponge : { absorb : (sponge : unknown , x : FieldVar ) => void ; create : (isChecked : boolean ) => unknown ; squeeze : (sponge : unknown ) => FieldVar } ; hashToGroup : (input : MlArray <FieldVar >) => MlPair <FieldVar , FieldVar > ; update : (state : MlArray <FieldVar >, input : MlArray <FieldVar >) => [0 , FieldVar , FieldVar , FieldVar ] } | - |
poseidon.sponge | { absorb : (sponge : unknown , x : FieldVar ) => void ; create : (isChecked : boolean ) => unknown ; squeeze : (sponge : unknown ) => FieldVar } | - |
poseidon.sponge.absorb | [object Object] | - |
poseidon.sponge.create | [object Object] | - |
poseidon.sponge.squeeze | [object Object] | - |
poseidon.hashToGroup | [object Object] | - |
poseidon.update | [object Object] | - |
run | { asProver : (f : () => void ) => void ; constraintSystem : (f : () => void ) => { digest : string ; json : JsonConstraintSystem ; rows : number } ; inProverBlock : () => boolean ; runAndCheck : (f : () => void ) => void ; runUnchecked : (f : () => void ) => void } | APIs that have to do with running provable code |
run.asProver | [object Object] | Runs code as a prover. |
run.constraintSystem | [object Object] | Returns information about the constraint system in the callback function. |
run.inProverBlock | [object Object] | Check whether we are inside an asProver or exists block |
run.runAndCheck | [object Object] | Runs code and checks its correctness. |
run.runUnchecked | [object Object] | Runs code in prover mode, without checking correctness. |
exists | (sizeInFields : number , compute : () => MlArray <FieldConst >) => MlArray <FieldVar > | witness sizeInFields field element variables Note: this is called "exists" because in a proof, you use it like this: > "I prove that there exists x, such that (some statement)" |
existsVar | (compute : () => FieldConst ) => FieldVar | witness a single field element variable |
Defined in
• Const
Test: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
encoding | { memoHashBase58 : (memoBase58 : string ) => FieldConst ; memoToBase58 : (memoString : string ) => string ; ofBase58 : (base58 : string , versionByte : number ) => MlBytes ; privateKeyOfBase58 : (privateKeyBase58 : string ) => ScalarConst ; privateKeyToBase58 : (privateKey : ScalarConst ) => string ; publicKeyOfBase58 : (publicKeyBase58 : string ) => MlPublicKey ; publicKeyToBase58 : (publicKey : MlPublicKey ) => string ; toBase58 : (s : MlBytes , versionByte : number ) => string ; tokenIdOfBase58 : (fieldBase58 : string ) => FieldConst ; tokenIdToBase58 : (field : FieldConst ) => string } |
encoding.memoHashBase58 | [object Object] |
encoding.memoToBase58 | [object Object] |
encoding.ofBase58 | [object Object] |
encoding.privateKeyOfBase58 | [object Object] |
encoding.privateKeyToBase58 | [object Object] |
encoding.publicKeyOfBase58 | [object Object] |
encoding.publicKeyToBase58 | [object Object] |
encoding.toBase58 | [object Object] |
encoding.tokenIdOfBase58 | [object Object] |
encoding.tokenIdToBase58 | [object Object] |
fieldsFromJson | { accountUpdate : (json : string ) => MlArray <FieldConst > } |
fieldsFromJson.accountUpdate | [object Object] |
hashFromJson | { accountUpdate : (json : string ) => FieldConst ; transactionCommitments : (txJson : string ) => { commitment : FieldConst ; feePayerHash : FieldConst ; fullCommitment : FieldConst } ; zkappPublicInput : (txJson : string , accountUpdateIndex : number ) => { accountUpdate : FieldConst ; calls : FieldConst } } |
hashFromJson.accountUpdate | [object Object] |
hashFromJson.transactionCommitments | [object Object] |
hashFromJson.zkappPublicInput | [object Object] |
hashInputFromJson | { accountPrecondition : (json : String ) => MlHashInput ; body : (json : String ) => MlHashInput ; networkPrecondition : (json : String ) => MlHashInput ; packInput : (input : MlHashInput ) => MlArray <FieldConst > ; permissions : (json : String ) => MlHashInput ; timing : (json : String ) => MlHashInput ; update : (json : String ) => MlHashInput } |
hashInputFromJson.accountPrecondition | [object Object] |
hashInputFromJson.body | [object Object] |
hashInputFromJson.networkPrecondition | [object Object] |
hashInputFromJson.packInput | [object Object] |
hashInputFromJson.permissions | [object Object] |
hashInputFromJson.timing | [object Object] |
hashInputFromJson.update | [object Object] |
poseidon | { hashToGroup : (input : MlArray <FieldConst >) => MlPair <FieldConst , FieldConst > } |
poseidon.hashToGroup | [object Object] |
signature | { dummySignature : () => string ; signFieldElement : (messageHash : FieldConst , privateKey : ScalarConst , isMainnet : boolean ) => string } |
signature.dummySignature | [object Object] |
signature.signFieldElement | [object Object] |
tokenId | { derive : (publicKey : MlPublicKey , tokenId : FieldConst ) => FieldConst ; deriveChecked : (publicKey : MlPublicKeyVar , tokenId : FieldVar ) => FieldVar } |
tokenId.derive | [object Object] |
tokenId.deriveChecked | [object Object] |
transactionHash | { examplePayment : () => string ; hashPayment : (payment : string ) => string ; hashPaymentV1 : (payment : string ) => string ; serializeCommon : (common : string ) => { data : Uint8Array } ; serializePayment : (payment : string ) => { data : Uint8Array } ; serializePaymentV1 : (payment : string ) => string } |
transactionHash.examplePayment | [object Object] |
transactionHash.hashPayment | [object Object] |
transactionHash.hashPaymentV1 | [object Object] |
transactionHash.serializeCommon | [object Object] |
transactionHash.serializePayment | [object Object] |
transactionHash.serializePaymentV1 | [object Object] |
Defined in
• Const
TokenId: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
check | (x : Field ) => void |
default | Field |
fromFields | (x : Field [], aux : any []) => Field |
toAuxiliary | (x? : Field ) => any [] |
toFields | (x : Field ) => Field [] |
toInput | (x : Field ) => { fields? : Field [] ; packed? : [Field , number ][] } |
derive | (tokenOwner : PublicKey , parentTokenId : Field ) => Field |
emptyValue | () => Field |
fromBase58 | (base58 : string ) => Field |
fromJSON | (x : string ) => Field |
sizeInFields | () => number |
toBase58 | (t : Field ) => string |
toJSON | (x : Field ) => string |
Defined in
• Undefined: ProvablePureExtended
, null
Defined in
• Void: ProvablePureExtended
, null
Defined in
• ZkappPublicInput: ProvablePure
<{ accountUpdate
: Field
= Field; calls
: Field
= Field }> & ProvableExtension
<{ accountUpdate
: Field
= Field; calls
: Field
= Field }, { accountUpdate
: string
= Field; calls
: string
= Field }>
Defined in
• isReady: Promise
await isReady
is no longer needed. Remove it from your code.
Defined in
▸ Account(address
, tokenId?
): Account
Name | Type |
address | PublicKey |
tokenId? | Field |
Defined in
▸ Bool(...args
): Bool
A boolean value. You can create it like this:
const b = Bool(true);
You can also combine multiple Bools with boolean operations:
const c = Bool(false);
const d = b.or(c).and(false).not();
Bools are often created by methods on other types such as Field.equals()
const b: Bool = Field(5).equals(6);
Name | Type |
...args | [x: boolean | Bool | FieldVar] |
Defined in
▸ Field(...args
): Field
A Field is an element of a prime order finite field. Every other provable type is built using the Field type.
The field is the pasta base field of order 2^254 + 0x224698fc094cf91b992d30ed00000001 (ORDER).
You can create a new Field from everything "field-like" (bigint
, integer number
, decimal string
, Field
Field(10n); // Field construction from a bigint
Field(100); // Field construction from a number
Field("1"); // Field construction from a decimal string
Beware: Fields cannot be constructed from fractional numbers or alphanumeric strings:
Field(3.141); // ERROR: Cannot convert a float to a field element
Field("abc"); // ERROR: Invalid argument "abc"
Creating a Field from a negative number can result in unexpected behavior if you are not familiar with modular arithmetic.
const x = Field(-1); // valid Field construction from negative number
const y = Field(Field.ORDER - 1n); // same as `x`
Important: All the functions defined on a Field (arithmetic, logic, etc.) take their arguments as "field-like". A Field itself is also defined as a "field-like" element.
Name | Type |
...args | [x: string | number | bigint | FieldVar | FieldConst | Field] |
A Field with the value converted from the argument
Defined in
▸ Group(...args
): Group
An element of a Group.
Name | Type |
...args | [{ x : string | number | bigint | FieldVar | Field ; y : string | number | bigint | FieldVar | Field }] |
Defined in
▸ MerkleWitness(height
): typeof BaseMerkleWitness
Returns a circuit-compatible Witness for a specific Tree height.
Name | Type | Description |
height | number | Height of the Merkle Tree that this Witness belongs to. |
typeof BaseMerkleWitness
A circuit-compatible Merkle Witness.
Defined in
▸ Reducer<T
, A
): ReducerReturn
Type parameters
Name | Type |
T | extends FlexibleProvablePure <any > |
A | extends any = InferProvable <T > |
Name | Type |
reducer | Object |
reducer.actionType | T |
Defined in
▸ State<A
>(): State
Type parameters
Name |
A |
Defined in
▸ Struct<A
, T
, J
, Pure
): (value
: T
) => T
& { _isStruct
: true
} & Pure
extends true
? ProvablePure
> : Provable
> & { fromJSON
: (x
: J
) => T
; toInput
: (x
: T
) => { fields?
: Field
[] ; packed?
: [Field
, number
][] } ; toJSON
: (x
: T
) => J
lets you declare composite types for use in o1js circuits.
These composite types can be passed in as arguments to smart contract methods, used for on-chain state variables or as event / action types.
Here's an example of creating a "Voter" struct, which holds a public key and a collection of votes on 3 different proposals:
let Vote = { hasVoted: Bool, inFavor: Bool };
class Voter extends Struct({
publicKey: PublicKey,
votes: [Vote, Vote, Vote]
}) {}
// use Voter as SmartContract input:
class VoterContract extends SmartContract {
\@method register(voter: Voter) {
// ...
In this example, there are no instance methods on the class. This makes Voter
type-compatible with an anonymous object of the form
{ publicKey: PublicKey, votes: Vote[] }
This mean you don't have to create instances by using new Voter(...)
, you can operate with plain objects:
voterContract.register({ publicKey, votes });
On the other hand, you can also add your own methods:
class Voter extends Struct({
publicKey: PublicKey,
votes: [Vote, Vote, Vote]
}) {
vote(index: number, inFavor: Bool) {
let vote = this.votes[i];
vote.hasVoted = Bool(true);
vote.inFavor = inFavor;
In this case, you'll need the constructor to create instances of Voter
. It always takes as input the plain object:
let emptyVote = { hasVoted: Bool(false), inFavor: Bool(false) };
let voter = new Voter({ publicKey, votes: Array(3).fill(emptyVote) });, Bool(true));
In addition to creating types composed of Field elements, you can also include auxiliary data which does not become part of the proof. This, for example, allows you to re-use the same type outside o1js methods, where you might want to store additional metadata.
To declare non-proof values of type string
, number
, etc, you can use the built-in objects String
, Number
, etc.
Here's how we could add the voter's name (a string) as auxiliary data:
class Voter extends Struct({
publicKey: PublicKey,
votes: [Vote, Vote, Vote],
fullName: String
}) {}
Again, it's important to note that this doesn't enable you to prove anything about the fullName
From the circuit point of view, it simply doesn't exist!
Type parameters
Name | Type |
A | A |
T | extends unknown = InferProvable <A > |
J | extends unknown = InferJson <A > |
Pure | extends boolean = IsPure <A > |
Name | Type | Description |
type | A | Object specifying the layout of the Struct |
: T
) => T
& { _isStruct
: true
} & Pure
extends true
? ProvablePure
> : Provable
> & { fromJSON
: (x
: J
) => T
; toInput
: (x
: T
) => { fields?
: Field
[] ; packed?
: [Field
, number
][] } ; toJSON
: (x
: T
) => J
Class which you can extend
Defined in
▸ ZkProgram<StatementType
, Types
): { analyzeMethods
: () => ReturnType
<typeof analyzeMethod
>[] ; compile
: (options?
: { cache
: Cache
}) => Promise
<{ verificationKey
: string
}> ; digest
: () => string
; name
: string
; publicInputType
: ProvableOrUndefined
, "publicInput"
>> ; publicOutputType
: ProvableOrVoid
, "publicOutput"
>> ; verify
: (proof
: Proof
, "publicInput"
>>, InferProvableOrVoid
, "publicOutput"
>>>) => Promise
> } & { [I in keyof Types]: Prover<InferProvableOrUndefined<Get<StatementType, "publicInput">>, InferProvableOrVoid<Get<StatementType, "publicOutput">>, Types[I]> }
Type parameters
Name | Type |
StatementType | extends Object |
Types | extends Object |
Name | Type |
config | StatementType & { methods : { [I in string | number | symbol]: Method<InferProvableOrUndefined<Get<StatementType, "publicInput">>, InferProvableOrVoid<Get<StatementType, "publicOutput">>, Types[I]> } ; name : string ; overrideWrapDomain? : 0 | 2 | 1 } |
{ analyzeMethods
: () => ReturnType
<typeof analyzeMethod
>[] ; compile
: (options?
: { cache
: Cache
}) => Promise
<{ verificationKey
: string
}> ; digest
: () => string
; name
: string
; publicInputType
: ProvableOrUndefined
, "publicInput"
>> ; publicOutputType
: ProvableOrVoid
, "publicOutput"
>> ; verify
: (proof
: Proof
, "publicInput"
>>, InferProvableOrVoid
, "publicOutput"
>>>) => Promise
> } & { [I in keyof Types]: Prover<InferProvableOrUndefined<Get<StatementType, "publicInput">>, InferProvableOrVoid<Get<StatementType, "publicOutput">>, Types[I]> }
Defined in
▸ addCachedAccount(partialAccount
, graphqlEndpoint?
): void
Adds an account to the local cache, indexed by a GraphQL endpoint.
Name | Type | Default value |
partialAccount | PartialAccount | undefined |
graphqlEndpoint | string | networkConfig.minaEndpoint |
Defined in
▸ arrayProp<T
, length
): (target
: any
, key
: string
) => void
Type parameters
Name |
T |
Name | Type |
elementType | FlexibleProvable <T > |
length | number |
▸ (target
, key
): void
Name | Type |
target | any |
key | string |
Defined in
▸ checkZkappTransaction(txnId
): Promise
<{ failureReason
: string
[] ; success
: boolean
= false } | { failureReason
: null
= null; success
: boolean
= true }>
Name | Type |
txnId | string |
<{ failureReason
: string
[] ; success
: boolean
= false } | { failureReason
: null
= null; success
: boolean
= true }>
Defined in
▸ circuitMain(target
, propertyName
, _descriptor?
): any
Name | Type |
target | typeof Circuit |
propertyName | string |
_descriptor? | PropertyDescriptor |
Defined in
▸ declareMethods<T
, methodArguments
): void
can be used in place of the @method
to declare SmartContract methods along with their list of arguments.
It should be placed after the class declaration.
Here is an example of declaring a method update
, which takes a single argument of type Field
class MyContract extends SmartContract {
// ...
update(x: Field) {
// ...
declareMethods(MyContract, { update: [Field] }); // `[Field]` is the list of arguments!
Note that a method of the same name must still be defined on the class, just without the decorator.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
T | extends typeof SmartContract |
Name | Type |
SmartContract | T |
methodArguments | Record <string , Provable <unknown >[]> |
Defined in
▸ declareState<T
, states
): void
can be used in place of the @state
decorator to declare on-chain state on a SmartContract.
It should be placed after the class declaration.
Here is an example of declaring a state property x
of type Field
class MyContract extends SmartContract {
x = State<Field>();
// ...
declareState(MyContract, { x: Field });
If you're using pure JS, it's not possible to use the built-in class field syntax, i.e. the following will not work:
class MyContract extends SmartContract {
x = State();
declareState(MyContract, { x: Field });
Instead, add a constructor where you assign the property:
class MyContract extends SmartContract {
constructor(x) {
this.x = State();
declareState(MyContract, { x: Field });
Type parameters
Name | Type |
T | extends typeof SmartContract |
Name | Type |
SmartContract | T |
states | Record <string , FlexibleProvablePure <unknown >> |
Defined in
▸ fetchAccount(accountInfo
, graphqlEndpoint?
, «destructured»?
): Promise
<{ account
: Account
; error
: undefined
} | { account
: undefined
; error
: FetchError
Gets account information on the specified publicKey by performing a GraphQL query to the specified endpoint. This will call the 'GetAccountInfo' query which fetches zkapp related account information.
If an error is returned by the specified endpoint, an error is thrown. Otherwise, the data is returned.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
accountInfo | Object | undefined | - |
accountInfo.publicKey | string | PublicKey | undefined | - |
accountInfo.tokenId? | string | Field | undefined | - |
graphqlEndpoint | string | networkConfig.minaEndpoint | The graphql endpoint to fetch from |
«destructured» | Object | {} | - |
› timeout | undefined | number | undefined | - |
<{ account
: Account
; error
: undefined
} | { account
: undefined
; error
: FetchError
zkapp information on the specified account or an error is thrown
Defined in
▸ fetchEvents(accountInfo
, graphqlEndpoint?
, filterOptions?
): Promise
<{ blockHash
: string
= event.blockInfo.stateHash; blockHeight
: UInt32
; chainStatus
: string
= event.blockInfo.chainStatus; events
: { data
: string
[] ; transactionInfo
: { hash
: string
; memo
: string
; status
: string
} }[] ; globalSlot
: UInt32
; parentBlockHash
: string
= event.blockInfo.parentHash }[]>
Asynchronously fetches event data for an account from the Mina Archive Node GraphQL API.
If the GraphQL request fails or the response is invalid.
const accountInfo = { publicKey: 'B62qiwmXrWn7Cok5VhhB3KvCwyZ7NHHstFGbiU5n7m8s2RqqNW1p1wF' };
const events = await fetchEvents(accountInfo);
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
accountInfo | Object | undefined | The account information object. |
accountInfo.publicKey | string | undefined | The account public key. |
accountInfo.tokenId? | string | undefined | The optional token ID for the account. |
graphqlEndpoint? | string | networkConfig.archiveEndpoint | The GraphQL endpoint to query. Defaults to the Archive Node GraphQL API. |
filterOptions? | EventActionFilterOptions | {} | The optional filter options object. |
<{ blockHash
: string
= event.blockInfo.stateHash; blockHeight
: UInt32
; chainStatus
: string
= event.blockInfo.chainStatus; events
: { data
: string
[] ; transactionInfo
: { hash
: string
; memo
: string
; status
: string
} }[] ; globalSlot
: UInt32
; parentBlockHash
: string
= event.blockInfo.parentHash }[]>
A promise that resolves to an array of objects containing event data, block information and transaction information for the account.
Defined in
▸ fetchLastBlock(graphqlEndpoint?
): Promise
<{ blockchainLength
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: { lower
: UInt32
; upper
: UInt32
} } ; globalSlotSinceGenesis
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: { lower
: UInt32
; upper
: UInt32
} } ; minWindowDensity
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: { lower
: UInt32
; upper
: UInt32
} } ; nextEpochData
: { epochLength
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: { lower
: UInt32
; upper
: UInt32
} } ; ledger
: { hash
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} ; totalCurrency
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: { lower
: UInt64
; upper
: UInt64
} } } ; lockCheckpoint
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} ; seed
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} ; startCheckpoint
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} } ; snarkedLedgerHash
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} ; stakingEpochData
: { epochLength
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: { lower
: UInt32
; upper
: UInt32
} } ; ledger
: { hash
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} ; totalCurrency
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: { lower
: UInt64
; upper
: UInt64
} } } ; lockCheckpoint
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} ; seed
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} ; startCheckpoint
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} } ; totalCurrency
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: { lower
: UInt64
; upper
: UInt64
} } }>>
Fetches the last block on the Mina network.
Name | Type | Default value |
graphqlEndpoint | string | networkConfig.minaEndpoint |
<{ blockchainLength
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: { lower
: UInt32
; upper
: UInt32
} } ; globalSlotSinceGenesis
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: { lower
: UInt32
; upper
: UInt32
} } ; minWindowDensity
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: { lower
: UInt32
; upper
: UInt32
} } ; nextEpochData
: { epochLength
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: { lower
: UInt32
; upper
: UInt32
} } ; ledger
: { hash
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} ; totalCurrency
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: { lower
: UInt64
; upper
: UInt64
} } } ; lockCheckpoint
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} ; seed
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} ; startCheckpoint
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} } ; snarkedLedgerHash
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} ; stakingEpochData
: { epochLength
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: { lower
: UInt32
; upper
: UInt32
} } ; ledger
: { hash
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} ; totalCurrency
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: { lower
: UInt64
; upper
: UInt64
} } } ; lockCheckpoint
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} ; seed
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} ; startCheckpoint
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: Field
} } ; totalCurrency
: { isSome
: Bool
; value
: { lower
: UInt64
; upper
: UInt64
} } }>>
Defined in
▸ fetchTransactionStatus(txId
, graphqlEndpoint?
): Promise
Fetches the status of a transaction.
Name | Type | Default value |
txId | string | undefined |
graphqlEndpoint | string | networkConfig.minaEndpoint |
Defined in
▸ getWasm(): WasmModule
Defined in
▸ isBool(x
): boolean
Name | Type |
x | unknown |
Defined in
▸ isField(x
): x is Field
Name | Type |
x | unknown |
x is Field
Defined in
▸ matrixProp<T
, nRows
, nColumns
): (target
: any
, key
: string
) => void
Type parameters
Name |
T |
Name | Type |
elementType | FlexibleProvable <T > |
nRows | number |
nColumns | number |
▸ (target
, key
): void
Name | Type |
target | any |
key | string |
Defined in
▸ method<T
, methodName
, descriptor
): void
A decorator to use in a zkApp to mark a method as callable by anyone. You can use inside your zkApp class as:
\@method myMethod(someArg: Field) {
// your code here
Type parameters
Name | Type |
T | extends SmartContract |
Name | Type |
target | T & { constructor : any } |
methodName | keyof T & string |
descriptor | PropertyDescriptor |
Defined in
▸ prop(this
, target
, key
): void
Name | Type |
this | any |
target | any |
key | string |
Defined in
▸ provable<A
, options?
): ProvableExtended
>, InferJson
Type parameters
Name |
A |
Name | Type |
typeObj | A |
options? | Object |
options.isPure? | boolean |
>, InferJson
Defined in
▸ provablePure<A
): ProvablePure
>> & ProvableExtension
>, InferJson
Type parameters
Name |
A |
Name | Type |
typeObj | A |
>> & ProvableExtension
>, InferJson
Defined in
▸ public_(target
, _key
, index
): void
Name | Type |
target | any |
_key | string | symbol |
index | number |
Defined in
▸ readVarMessage(methodName
, varName
, varDescription
): string
Name | Type |
methodName | string |
varName | string |
varDescription | string |
Defined in
▸ scaleShifted(point
, shiftedScalar
): Group
Name | Type |
point | Group |
shiftedScalar | Scalar |
Defined in
▸ sendZkapp(json
, graphqlEndpoint?
, «destructured»?
): Promise
, undefined
] | [undefined
, FetchError
Sends a zkApp command (transaction) to the specified GraphQL endpoint.
Name | Type | Default value |
json | string | undefined |
graphqlEndpoint | string | networkConfig.minaEndpoint |
«destructured» | Object | {} |
› timeout | undefined | number | undefined |
, undefined
] | [undefined
, FetchError
Defined in
▸ setArchiveGraphqlEndpoint(graphqlEndpoint
): void
Sets up a GraphQL endpoint to be used for fetching information from an Archive Node.
Name | Type |
graphqlEndpoint | string |
Defined in
▸ setGraphqlEndpoint(graphqlEndpoint
): void
Name | Type |
graphqlEndpoint | string |
Defined in
▸ setGraphqlEndpoints(«destructured»
): void
Name | Type |
«destructured» | string [] |
Defined in
▸ shutdown(): void
is no longer needed, and is a no-op. Remove it from your code.
Defined in
▸ state<A
): (target
: SmartContract
& { constructor
: any
}, key
: string
, _descriptor?
: PropertyDescriptor
) => void
A decorator to use within a zkapp to indicate what will be stored on-chain.
For example, if you want to store a field element some_state
in a zkapp,
you can use the following in the declaration of your zkapp:
@state(Field) some_state = State<Field>();
Type parameters
Name |
A |
Name | Type |
stateType | FlexibleProvablePure <A > |
▸ (target
, key
, _descriptor?
): void
Name | Type |
target | SmartContract & { constructor : any } |
key | string |
_descriptor? | PropertyDescriptor |
Defined in
▸ toConstantField(x
, methodName
, varName?
, varDescription?
): ConstantField
Name | Type | Default value |
x | Field | undefined |
methodName | string | undefined |
varName | string | 'x' |
varDescription | string | 'field element' |
Defined in
▸ toFp(x
): Fp
Name | Type |
x | string | number | bigint | Field |
Defined in
▸ verify(proof
, verificationKey
): Promise
Name | Type |
proof | JsonProof | Proof <any , any > |
verificationKey | string |
Defined in
▸ withMessage(error
, message?
): unknown
Name | Type |
error | unknown |
message? | string |